Thor's Helmet - NGC 2359

NGC 2359, colloquially dubbed Thor's Helmet due to its distinctive and evocative shape, is an emission nebula that resides about 12,000 light-years away in the constellation Canis Major. The nebula's unique morphology, reminiscent of the winged helmet of the Norse god Thor, makes it an intriguing target for astronomers and skywatchers.

Encompassing an area roughly 30 light-years across, Thor's Helmet is primarily illuminated by a central massive star nearing the end of its life. This star, known to be a Wolf-Rayet star, is characterized by strong winds which push outwards, interacting with surrounding material and forging the nebula's intricate patterns. These winds, combined with the star's radiant emissions, cause the gas within NGC 2359 to glow, producing its vivid colors.

Within the contours of Thor's Helmet, one can observe a cosmic drama unfolding. The central Wolf-Rayet star, having shed its outer layers and energizing its surroundings, offers a prelude to the explosive finale of its life cycle, which will culminate in a supernova.

Image Details

📷 Exposures (Ha, OIII, SII)
Hα, bin 1, 120x 300s
OIII, bin 1, 120 x 300s
SII, bin 1, 120 x 300s

🔭 Equipment
Mount: RainbowAstro RST-135E
Telescope: Refractors Borg 107FL f/3.9 (Ha and OIII) and TS86SDQ (SII)
Camera: QSI 6120

💻 Software: 
(Windows 10) Sequence Generator Pro, PHD2, SkySafari, ASCOM drivers
(Mac OSX) PixInsight

Bright suburban light pollution, Class 6 of darkness in Bortle scale.